Von Helden und Gestalten
Creativity Icons
A serie of 10 icons that represent the different specialities that we find in an advertisement and communication agency, such as motion design, coding, copywriting or accounts. I also developed a 2D animated film in which we see all these icons interacting with each other. This project was a great fun.
A serie of 10 icons that represent the different specialities that we find in an advertisement and communication agency, such as motion design, coding, copywriting or accounts. I also developed a 2D animated film in which we see all these icons interacting with each other. This project was a great fun.
Art direction, illustrations, characters design, film direction, animation and sound design by Alejandro Gómez.
Produced by Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany. All rights reserved to Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH.
Produced by Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany. All rights reserved to Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH.