Schwaben Bräu
Campaign illustrations
I was commissioned to create a series of illustrations for a traditional beer company from the South of Germany called Schwaben Bräu. The idea was to represent the spirit and values of this region in a humoristic way.
A short animation was created to be displayed on big screens during the Wassen 2023 in Stuttgart.
Art direction and illustrations by Alejandro Gómez.
Produced by Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany. All rights reserved to Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH.
I was commissioned to create a series of illustrations for a traditional beer company from the South of Germany called Schwaben Bräu. The idea was to represent the spirit and values of this region in a humoristic way.
A short animation was created to be displayed on big screens during the Wassen 2023 in Stuttgart.
Art direction and illustrations by Alejandro Gómez.
Produced by Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany. All rights reserved to Von Helden Und Gestalten GmbH.